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  • 2022

5 ways to deal with transformation processes

Fábio Milnitzky, founder and CEO of iN | VocêRH Column

Companies undergo periodic reviews to meet current demands. These changes may involve repositioning, revising values ​​and even evolving purpose. In this process of cultural transformation, the role of each individual in the organization is widely evidenced not only in hierarchical terms, but in the contribution of each member to the whole.

Understanding the individual role is fundamental for people and managers, as it gives meaning to the major changes sought (or needed) by leaders in their organizations. A crucial factor is knowledge of employee profiles, identifying their unique skills. The complementarity of these competencies boosts productivity and engagement, allowing for agile and creative solutions. Each team member is a valuable asset, driving processes, outlining strategies, and running the schedule.

When changes emerge internally, updating culture and values ​​is a collective construction. In this context, HR’s role is crucial to empower and inspire leadership, promoting an organizational environment that welcomes change and maintains engagement.

Check out the full text in the column of VocêRH.

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